How Organizations can Improve their Remote Team Communication using Technology

Anand mahajan
2 min readJan 19, 2021

Telework continues during the COVID-19 pandemic as there is no sudden stop. Moreover, companies are taking this as an opportunity to improve their strategies to make remote work a less difficult effort/procedure for employees.

Companies must ensure that employee productivity is not compromised by adopting new ways of communicating with each other Below are three simple ways to adapt communication styles to ensure that remote teams work efficiently and effectively as if you were in the office.

1. Device communication channels for better engagement

Businesses can implement enterprise communication solutions like Oneteam by Scale Fusion to create channels that are

  1. Closed(Only selected members can be in the group),
  2. Open(Anyone in the organization can join the group),
  3. Limited-Public(Only limited public can access the group)

2. Organize daily sync-ups

The daily synchronization of the team is necessary to know how your employees are doing remotely. It’s good to have a human touch by asking about them and their schedule, not just about work

3. Respect the time-zones

If you have teams working in different time zones, be aware of their working hours, they don’t need to operate in the same way when things were normal.

Feel free to reach out to me if you need help with what is right for you, using this link.


